Brown Water Coming from Tap! What Should I Do?

So, you’re brushing your teeth, or pouring a glass of water, and you notice that the normally-crystal-clear tap water is coming out with a brown tinge – what do you do!? While quite unappealing and pretty alarming, brown water coming from the tap is not uncommon. Don’t panic – there are a few things that you can do to remedy the situation, all of which will be covered below.

Within this article, we’ll also cover what causes brown water coming from the taps, whether or not it is dangerous, how to get rid of brown water, and when to call in a plumber.

There’s brown water coming from my tap – why?

There are a couple of different potential causes for brown water to be coming out of your taps:

Sediments in the pipes 

Generally, the most common cause for brown water is rust and other sediments coming through the water. If you have old plumbing made from iron or steel, it’s not uncommon to have rust sediments in your water after years of use. In particular, when exposed to acidic or alkaline water, rust can begin forming in the pipes. Similarly, sediments like calcium and magnesium can build over time. Areas with lots of salts and minerals in the water (known as hard water), are prone to brown sediment disposal in your taps.

Hot water system corrosion

If the brown water is only coming from the hot water taps, it may be caused by corrosion inside an old hot water system. If this is the case, it’s important to have your system replaced.

Water mains issue

While brown water coming from your taps is most likely to be coming from corroded pipes or rust sediments, there is one other potential cause: issues with your water mains.

There are a couple of different reasons for water mains issues, whether it be from work or repairs to the system, a construction site near your water main, use of a water hydrant nearby, or other agricultural run-off in the area. 

What Causes Brown Water in a Tap?

Is brown water from the tap dangerous to drink?

Generally speaking, no – it is not a potential health hazard if it has been caused by sediments. While off-putting, the brown tinge is almost always caused by rust or other mineral sediments coming through the pipes. These sediments are harmless and are actually always in your drinking water any way – just in lower concentrations.

However, if your hot water system is corroded, you need to get it fixed as it can lead to a potential health hazard. It’s important to call in a local plumber ASAP to prevent the corrosion from getting any worse and to ensure the issue isn’t more sinister than typical sediments coming through.

What to do if there's brown water coming from the tap

What to do if there is brown water coming from your taps

So, now that we know what would have caused brown water to come from your fixtures, there are a few things you can do right away:

  1. Let the water run for a few minutes.
  2. Ask your neighbours if they are experiencing the same issue. If they are, it is most likely a main water issue.
  3. Recheck the running water.
  4. If the water’s colour is normal again: It was a sediment build-up. Keep an eye on the water over the next few weeks. If it goes back to being tinged with brown bits, it’s time to call in a plumber.
  5. If the water’s colour is still brown, primarily from the hot water tap: your hot water system may be corroded – time to get a plumber in to make sure you’re operating with a safe, efficient, effective system for your household.

Call in the experts

If you’re experiencing brown or cloudy water coming from your household’s taps, it’s important to monitor and try to understand the problem. And if you’re not sure, it’s always best to call in your local plumber who can identify the cause, provide a solution, and ensure there’s a preventative measure put in place to prevent it occurring in the future.

How to Get Rid of Drain Flies

If tiny flies are swarming around in your kitchen or bathroom, there is a high chance that drain flies have made your drains and pipes their new home – lucky you!

Drain flies can be a real nuisance, particularly as getting rid of drain flies in your sink, drains, and plumbing can be tricky. However, there are ways to get rid of drain flies and prevent them from coming back for good.

Before we jump into how to get rid of drain flies, let’s look at what they are and why they are in your home:

What Are Drain Flies?

Drain flies are also known as sink flies, filter flies, or sewer gnats. They earn their nickname from their breeding spots – moist areas around the house (particularly the moist film that accumulates in drains). As they feed on organic material and decaying vegetation, kitchen drains provide the ideal nourishment for their larvae until they are fully evolved.

These tiny insects grow around 0,4 centimetres, have a greyish-black or tan colour, long antennas, fuzzy appearance, and short bodies. They are often mistaken for fruit flies – the clear distinction is that they will be hanging around your drains and sinks.

How to Get Rid of Drain Flies Definition Drain Flies Infographic 1

Why do I have drain flies in my home?

Drain flies have two requirements that make reproducing and nurturing larvae possible: moisture and organic material. Both can be easily found in the average kitchen and bathroom sink – it’s just a fact.

Over time, drains end up becoming a warm and damp environment, coated with a moist film that is a perfect basis for the reproduction of drain flies. On top of the moisture, there is a steady build-up of organic material from your daily life, such as food waste, fats, oils, and grease. These decaying leftovers the most suitable environment for drain flies’ larvae to grow. Therefore, they choose to be your subtenant – and they certainly do not adhere to the cleaning schedule.

Drain flies are very common but also easily preventable.

How to get rid of drain flies in 6 steps

Step 1: Clean your kitchen and bathroom

So, we know that drain flies use the moisture in your pipes and drains to breed and nurture their larvae (Gross, we know). As such, the first step for how to get rid of drain flies is to get cleaning!

Cleaning up after these bugs have already nested and bred isn’t going to cure the problem, but it will help in preventing the bugs from coming back in the future. Make sure to give your kitchen, bathroom, and laundry sinks and drain areas a good scrub and clean out – the less moisture and left over organic material in these areas, the better.

Cleaning your kitchen and bathrooms will also help to identify all the areas in the house that are affected by drain flies.

Step 2: Use a wire brush & boiling water

While cleaning, use a wire brush to effectively scrub further than the sink area. A wire brush will help you to clean out the pipes, and remove the moisture build up and organic matter that has been infested.

Use boiling hot water to help remove the build-up in your pipes – particularly in the kitchen. You can also mix equal parts of water, sugar, and vinegar, pour it down the affected drain and let it sit for an hour or so before rinsing. This will help to break down any fats, oils, and grease that is providing the perfect breeding ground for drain flies.

Step 3: Use a stronger chemical cleaner

If your drain fly infestation is still present after a good clean with the above steps, it’s time to step up the game. There are stronger drain chemical cleaning products that you can use to help kill off the drain fly breeding areas – just be sure to avoid any products that will corrode and damage your plumbing.

Step 4: Call in the experts

If you cannot solve the drain fly infestation with the above steps, it’s time to call in the experts. At this point, reach out to your local plumber to remedy the situation and provide any replacements, repairs, and clean-outs of your older plumbing.

Step 5: Maintain your plumbing

After successfully applying these above four steps on how to stop drain flies, prevention is the last step in avoiding future infestations.

Cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms is the most crucial step in preventing drain flies from coming back. Make sure you’re regularly cleaning these problem areas – this will prevent the flies from finding anywhere to lay eggs and breed.

Other tips include not keeping fruits and other food close to your kitchen sink. Give your sinks a more extended rinse out after using them, and use the wire brush every few weeks to get rid of any moisture films and organic material.

Regular plumbing maintenance will also be one of the best things you can do to prevent drain flies. Regular plumbing maintenance is not only more effective than regular cleaning but also increases the lifespan of your water supply system, identifies potential causes for high energy water bills, and proactively identifies any corrosion or leaks.

How to Get Rid of Drain Flies 5 Steps Infographic 2

Final Thoughts

Let’s face the facts – drain flies are gross and are a nuisance. However, they are preventable and where you follow the above steps, can be remedied.

At Waterline Plumbing, we take drain flies infestations seriously, as we understand how important a clean, hygienic, and effective plumbing system is. Whether it’s help with your current drain fly problem, scheduled maintenance, or a plumbing emergency, reach out to Waterline Plumbing today for all plumbing problems in Perth. Get in touch with our friendly team for a free quote on any and all plumbing problems. Call on 0450 334 373 today!

8 Common Causes of Low Hot Water Pressure

After a long day, there is nothing more satisfying than a hot shower. As such, turning on the shower only to have the water stay freezing cold or to have low water pressure can be extremely frustrating. If this is something that you experience on the regular, it’s time to consider whether you’re dealing with low hot water pressure, or an issue with your hot water production, and whether or not to get a plumber in to fix the issue.  

Low hot water pressure is very common, can be caused by a wide variety of issues, and can easily be remediated with a qualified local plumber. Within this article, Waterline Plumbing have outlined the eight most common causes of low water pressure, what you can do yourself with poor water pressure, and when to contact a plumber. 

The basics of water pressure

Water pressure refers to how quickly the water reaches your plumbing and plumbing outlets, like your shower head.

Water pressure is measured in kilopascal (kPa). Water pressure in a resident’s home should never exceed 500 kPa (72,5 psi). Everything under 275 kPa (40 psi) is considered low water pressure. Using a pressure gauge can help to determine if you’re dealing with low hot water pressure, or something more sinister with your hot water system. If the hot water pressure is palpably low but cold is fine, the chances are that there is a problem in your water supply system.

Definition Water Pressure Infographic

What can cause low hot water pressure?

If you’re dealing with no or poor hot water pressure within your home, there are a couple of different reasons as to why this may be occurring.

Here are eight of the most common causes of poor hot water pressure.

  1. Mineral Deposit – Hard water can cause mineral deposits in a hot water system. The increasing build-up of mineral deposits can result in blockages in pipes, slowly and steadily reducing hot water pressure. Limescale, a chalky white substance of calcium carbonate, is the most common mineral deposit in water supply systems. If your area is known for hard water and the hot water pressure is low, check the equipment and pipes for any mineral deposit.
  1. Corroded Pipes – Corroded pipes can also cause low hot water pressure. When a home has old, galvanised steel pipes, mineral deposits can build up over time, as pipes naturally corrode over time. Therefore, the amount of hot water passing through is reduced. The long term solution for this issue is to exchange the pipes for a better, more corrosion-resistant material, such as copper or PEX.
  1. Leaks – One of the main causes of low water pressure is leaking pipes. When a leak occurs in water pipes, this can cause water pressure to drop altogether. In this case, an inspection of your water pipes is necessary to find the leak ASAP and prevent moisture damage to the property.
  1. Hot Water Heater Issues – The water heater is essential to a hot water system. If this equipment is not working correctly, it can cause poor hot water pressure. Check for any signs of leaks and ensure that the thermostat settings are correct. Chances are, it could be time to replace your hot water system.
  1. Low Pressure from Water Mains – The main water supply is the part of a water system that supplies water to your water heater. If not functioning correctly, a water heater will not be able to produce enough hot water for your household, resulting in low pressure.
  1. Too Many Fixtures – The more fixtures connected to the hot water system, the lower the water pressure will be for each fixture. This can lead to inadequate pressure when all are being used simultaneously.
  1. Clogged Fixtures – The fixtures can also cause low hot water pressure in a home when clogged. If a faucet or showerhead is blocked, the hot water pressure will be limited as water passes through. 
  1. Clogged Water Filter – Some hot water systems use filters on the inlet and outlet. Over time, these filters can become clogged by the debris they are protecting the system against, causing low hot water pressure.
8 Common Causes of Low Hot Water Pressure Infographic 2

How to Fix Poor Hot Water Pressure

There are a few things that residents can do if they suspect poor hot water pressure. If you believe there is an issue with your hot water pressure, you can check water filters and fixtures for clogging. It’s also worth looking for leaks in visible piping, the hot water system, and the main water supply, if you know what you’re looking for.

However, if you suspect an issue with your hot water pressure, you need to call in an expert plumber to test, assess, and remedy your concerns.

Final Thoughts

Low hot water pressure can be caused by a wide range of issues. If you suspect that your hot water pressure is not performing properly, it’s important to get an expert plumber out to your property as soon as possible.

Waterline Plumbing is Perth’s leading provider of residential and commercial plumbing services. If you’re looking for a plumber in Perth’s Northern Suburbs that you can trust, Waterline Plumbing is who you’re looking for. Get in touch with our expert team by calling 0450 334 373 or by submitting an online enquiry today. 

Water Pipe Repair Costs: What You Can Expect to Pay

A broken water pipe is the last thing anyone needs. Planning for its repair can be stressful, especially when you don’t know how much you’re expected to pay.

Waterline Plumbing has broken down the costs of repairing a busted water pipe. Having a pipe leak is fun for no one but knowing what to expect can provide some peace of mind in what is undoubtedly a stressful and frustrating situation. Read on for your full breakdown of the costs, signs of a broken water pipe, how long it can take to fix, and more.

How much does it cost to fix a leak in a pipe?

The costs for a leak in a water pipe will vary depending on a number of facts. The cost of repairing water pipes can be anywhere between $150 – $1000. The factors determining the overall repair costs include:

1. Cause of the leak

Depending on the cause of the task, the price will vary. A large pipe burst central to the house will cost a lot more than a small bathroom sink leak repair. It’s important to note that your initial assumption of why the leak happened may differ from what your plumber identifies later on.

2. Accessibility of pipes

A visible water pipe leak would be the one under a sink. However, broken water pipes, which you can hear through the walls, would be a task that costs a lot more due to the restricted access point for plumbers. Most houses nowadays are in good health if regular inspections occur yearly. Water pipe leaks through the walls are not as common as easier repair jobs like the shower head on the kitchen sink.

3. Extent of repair required

In some cases, all that is required is a pipe replacement. This will not be too expensive. However, sometimes relining may be needed and more costly as plumbers have to repair cracks from inside without digging through.

Signs of a leaking water pipe

When are the signs of a broken water pipe?

It’s always best to be prepared and notice any signs of a leak before it becomes a much bigger problem (like a burst water pipe!). Here’s what to look out for if you suspect a leak or broken pipe:

1. Discoloured or smelly water

When there is a busted water pipe, one of the first signs is if there is a brownish tint to your water. This discolouration is caused by the line slowly rusting and contaminating the water. The water can smell like rotten eggs, indicating leaking sewerage. Getting a professional like Waterline Plumbing to repair this is important as it can cause serious health problems.

2. Fluctuation in water pressure

Another immediate sign of a broken water pipe is when the water pressure changes. It may seem like barely any water is coming out one moment, then a blast of high-pressure water the next second. This is a definite sign that your water pipe needs repairing.

3. Puddles of water

Another sign of a broken water pipe is puddles of water, specially under the sink. This is a warning that there is a water pipe leak that could lead to a pipe burst if it isn’t soon fixed. This also relates to showers, bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry sinks anywhere that a water pipe burst is possible.

4. High water bills

Like the fluctuating water pressure, anytime there is something different about the performance of your water source, it’s likely a water pipe issue. Your water bills may increase drastically when you have a broken water pipe. This is a clear sign that your pipes need fixing. Getting a professional to repair your water pipe will save you a lot more than letting the problem escalate.

5. Dripping noises in the walls

This last sign might be harder to notice, but when you do, it’s a definite sign that you’ve got a leaking water pipe. If you hear dripping water in your walls or gurgling sounds when someone turns the tap on, it is likely due to a busted water pipe.

What to do if your water pipe bursts in your house

In the case of a water pipe burst in your house, there are specific things that you should do to ensure your safety while you wait for the experts to come and make their repairs.

1. Switch off electricity

It is crucial for you and your family’s safety that the power is off. A bursting water pipe means there’s water all over the floor, making it highly prone to a potential electrical shock.

2. Get a bucket

A water burst is a lot more powerful than a small leak. Depending on the burst, get as many buckets as you can. You will also have to stand by to empty the buckets as they get full.

broken water pipe what to do

3. Turn off water at the main valve

Most people make the mistake of only turning off taps within the house that were in use. It’s essential to cut the water from the main valve if you’re experiencing a burst pipe. This stops the water from flowing out.

You can find the main valve near the water meter. Plumbers may take a while to fix the problem, especially if a pipe burst at night. You will have to make plans to prepare by staying someplace else or stocking up on bottled water until they arrive.

4. Call a plumber

Now it’s time to call an emergency plumbing service and tell them that a water pipe burst at your house. In addition, you should also request a plumbing inspection to see if there are any other underlying problems.

5. Drain remaining water from pipes

While you wait for your plumber to arrive, ensure that you turn on all the taps in the house to drain the remaining water. You may notice that even after you turn of the water at the main valve, there is still lots of water coming out. This is due to water still being stored in those pipes.

It is also vital that you do cold water first before hot water. When draining hot water, make sure to also turn off your hot water service before turning on hot water taps.

Need a burst water pipe repaired? Get in touch with our friendly team today for a free quote on your burst water pipe repair costs. Waterline Plumbing offers emergency burst pipe or leaking water pipe repair services at a reasonable price with efficient results.

What Size Hot Water System Do I Need?

If you’re anything like most Australians, you probably don’t pay too much attention to your hot water system until there’s a problem. So, when your old system inevitably dies, or you’re looking to fit out a new property, you’re likely wondering “What size hot system do I need?”. If you’ve found yourself baffled by hot water system sizes – you’re not alone. Waterline Plumbing are here to outline the different hot water systems available, how to find the right tank size for your property, and the factors that can influence which size you should install.

How big a hot water system do I need?

When it comes to purchasing and installing a new hot water system, size really does matter. If you choose a system that is too small, it may not meet the hot water demands of your family, resulting in at least one cold shower a night! Similarly, a hot water system that is too large is a waste of money, as the unit will maintain the same water temperature, whether it’s used or not. The more water is stored in your hot water system, the more energy you’ll be using to maintain water temperatures. In essence, it’s important to find that sweet spot – where the system will cover your household’s needs, but will not be storing considerably more water than required.

Key factors for choosing the right hot water system list

Factors to consider when looking at hot water system sizes

Choosing the right hot water system size is about finding the balance between capacity, household needs, and efficiency. As such, it’s important to consider these key factors when determining the right hot water system size for your household.

1. Number of residents

A visible water pipe leak would be the one under a sink. However, broken water pipes, which you can hear through the Household members is the most obvious factor when it comes to answering the question of “How big of a hot water system do I need?”. In order to determine the right size of your hot water system, you need to determine how many people are going to be using hot water, and at what rate. And it’s not just about how many showers are taken each day – we also need to consider hot water usage in the bathroom, kitchen, and laundry.

2. Hot water outlets

In some cases, all that is required is a pipe replacement. This wAnother key consideration is how many showers, sinks, and other hot water outlets there are in the household. This is an important vital to understanding your hot water demands. For example, a house with a single shower will not require the same hot water on demand as a house with multiple showers, bathrooms, a laundry, and kitchen area that will need to be used at the same time. With a single shower, the boiler is provided with more time to heat new hot water while in use.

3. Water usage habits

Not every person in a single household will have the same routines and water usage habits. As such, it is important to consider all water usage habits when choosing a hot water system. When we’re talking about water usage habits, we’re not only talking about who likes to take long showers and who uses the dishwasher, but also when hot water is used. For example, if multiple household members are taking showers in the morning, this may demand a larger hot water tank than if some were showering at night, and some in the morning.

4. Type of hot water system

When there is a busted water pipe, one of the first signs is if there is a brownish tint to your water. This discolouration Another major consideration on for water systems is the energy source that you want to rely on to heat the water up. There are two common ways of heating your water: electricity and gas. Both come with a variety benefits and will be more suitable for different households.

Electric hot water Systems

Another immediate sign of a broken water pipe is when the water pressure changes. It may seem like barely any water iElectric hot water systems are known for providing a more efficient solution when compared to gas hot water systems. Electric units are also easier to install and will not contribute emissions while in use. However, electric systems tend to be more expensive to operate than gas systems. In terms of hot water system sizes, depending on the size of your family, an electric heater may not supply enough hot water for a big household.

Gas hot water systems

Gas hot water systems are generally less expensive to operate than electric systems. However, gas hot water systems are becoming more costly to run over time.

Gas systems can handle a greater hot water demand – they are quicker when it comes to heating water up and providing a consistent flow of hot water. The drawbacks of a gas system are that they are more difficult to than electric systems, and are not as environmentally friendly as electric or solar hot water systems.

If you’re interested in learning more about gas vs. electric hot water systems, get in touch with the friendly team at Waterline Plumbing for an expert to help you make your decision.

Hot water system pros and cons gas vs. electric

Determining the right hot water tank size for a family of 5

To answer the question of “What size of a hot water system do I need for my household?”, our advice is to observe the water usage of your household over a period of time, during normal work and school weeks. Two weeks will give you a good idea of how much water your household requires.

Generally speaking, for a family of 5, you will require a hot water system in the 230-300L range. However, we recommend engaging the services of your local Perth Plumber who can get a better idea of your requirements and provide a more accurate assessment.

The experts Waterline Plumbing are here to help you make the right decision on your next hot water system. Have you got further questions about hot water system sizes? Call 0450 334 373 or submit an online enquiry today.

Blocked Stormwater Drains: Your Guide

Blocked stormwater drains are a common problem that occurs during heavy rainfall or flooding. For most of Australia, unexpected weather events have resulted in widescale blocked storm water drains in 2022 that have wreaked havoc on unsuspecting homeowners.

For home or commercial building owners, ensuring that your storm drains are free from blockages is essential for mitigating your risk and ensuring that your property does not flood. Just like sewers and toilets, stormwater drains can become a real problem when they are not serviced or properly maintained over time.

Why do blocked stormwater drains occur?

There are a number of reasons that you may experience a blocked stormwater drain at your property. Some of the most common culprits of blocked drains include:

  • Leaves or debris that has built up over time
  • Construction materials that have not been properly disposed of and have blocked your drains
  • Tree roots that have grown and, over time, clogged your drains
  • Grease, oil, and other non-natural substances that have been poured down the drain

Can you see the common denominator across all of these issues? They are all entirely preventable.

Preventing blocked stormwater drains is all about risk mitigation. It’s important to keep your drains clear and free of any potential blockages. If you notice any signs of blockages such as water pooling around the edges of the drain or slow drainage, then you need to act fast. When rainfall is light, you may be able to unclog them without any serious damaged. Conversely, when rainfall is heavy, you may not have time to prevent flash flooding on your property.

why do blocked stormwater drains occur

How can I fix a blocked stormwater drain?

If you are looking for an answer to the question of “How can I fix a blocked stormwater drain?”, then there is a good chance that you have already found yourself in a difficult situation. Fortunately, there are a few things that you can do to try and fix the problem yourself.

Firstly, we recommend that you locate the source of the blockage to identify what is causing water to not drain properly. Using our guide above, you should be able to see one of a few different items that are causing the problem.

Secondly, once the problem has been located, you will need to try and remove the debris or blockages. In some cases, this may be as simple as sweeping away debris or clearing out the problem that is causing the water to pool.

If, like many people, you are not able to find the cause of the problem or deliver a solution, then you need to call in a blocked drains professional. A qualified plumbing professional will be able to use professional tools to locate the blockage and deliver a solution. Once the blockage has been removed, it is important to flush the system with clean water by running a hose into the stormwater drain.

How much does it cost to clear blocked stormwater drains?

The cost of clearing blocked stormwater drains in Perth can vary depending on the size and location of the blockage. For smaller blockages such as those mentioned above, you may be able to clear the drain yourself using a plunger or other simple tools. However, for larger blockages, you will need to hire a professional plumber with experience clearing out blocked stormwater drains.

When it comes to hiring a professional company to clear the blocked stormwater drain, it will depend on the severity of the blockage and the length of time it takes to clear it. In most cases, you will need to pay a call-out fee and then a few hours’ worth of labour which may range from $300 to $500, to clear a small stretch of blocked drainage. Larger projects with substantial blockages may require more time, and professional tooling, and end up costing quite a bit more.

preventing stormwater drains guide

Who is responsible for blocked stormwater drains in rental properties?

The answer to this question depends on the specific situation. In some cases, the landlord or property owner may be responsible for maintaining and clearing blocked stormwater drains. However, in other cases, the tenant may be held responsible. It will depend on the nature and cause of the blockage.

When in doubt, it is always best to check your rental agreement to determine who is responsible for stormwater drain maintenance in your particular case. If you believe that you are not at fault for the issue, then you should consult with local authorities for advice.

Final Thoughts

If you live in an area that is prone to flooding, it is important to ensure to keep your stormwater drains are clear and free of debris. A blocked stormwater drain can cause serious flooding problems which can lead to property damage and costly repair bills.

Acting fast is the key to mitigating larger problems. If you notice that your stormwater drain is beginning to become clogged, you should take action immediately. You can attempt to clear the drain yourself using a plunger or a plumbers’ snake. If you cannot clear the drain yourself, you should contact a professional plumber for assistance immediately.

Ignoring a blocked stormwater drain can lead to serious consequences. If the blockage is not cleared and heavy rains fall, the resulting floodwaters can damage your home, your belongings, and even pose a health hazard – don’t risk it, stay on top of your stormwater drains all year-round.

Solar Hot Water System Costs Australia 2022

How much does a solar hot water system cost?

Solar hot water system supply and installation costs can vary dramatically depending on your location and the type of hot water system that you opt to install on your property.

So, how much should you be paying and what are the factors that impact the overall cost of solar hot water systems in Australia? In this article, we will investigate the average cost, factors that influence price, and why more Australian’s are turning to solar hot water systems in 2022.

Reasons to install a solar hot water system

Solar hot water systems can save you money on your energy bills, and they can help reduce your carbon footprint. Whether you’re looking to lower your energy bills, or just ready to take a positive step forward for the environment – solar systems are a great option.

Some of the most common reasons why Aussies are installing solar systems in their home include:

  • Free energy from the sun
  • Protect yourself against rising energy costs
  • Offset your investment with attractive government rebates
  • Continual, reliable access to hot water
  • Decrease your overall carbon footprint
  • Increase the value of your home
why make the switch to solar hot water systems

Solar hot water system rebates and incentives

All new solar hot water systems are eligible for the small-scale technology certificates (STC’s) rebate. The rebate amount that you receive will depend on the size and performance of the hot water system that you install. Depending on the supplier that you go with for installation, you can expect to receive between $30 to $40 per STC generated.

By way of an example, if your solar hot water system is eligible for 30 STCs at a rate of $34 per STC, you can expect to receive a rebate of $1020. For more information on solar incentives, check out the government rebates and assistance page online today. 

What is the upfront cost of a hot water system?

The upfront cost of a solar hot water system in Australia ranges from $2,600 – $6,000 depending on the unit that you select.

By way of a comparison, the equivalent electric hot water system will cost between $500 to $1,900, while a gas hot water system will cost between $800 to $1,400 to purchase up front.

In Australia, the average four-person household will require a 250-litre water tank. The cost of a 250-litre hot water tank will range from $750 to $1300 depending on the make and model that you select.

solar hot water systems might cost more short term, but they will give you more savings in the future

Factors that influence the cost of solar hot water systems

On top of the upfront costs associated with purchasing a solar hot water heater, there are a number of factors that will determine solar hot water costs in 2022. Here are the main factors that can influence how much you can expect to pay to get a new solar heating system:

1. Type of hot water system

Solar hot water units are available in a couple of different types. If you’ve done your research, you’ll know that you can get active systems, which have circulating pumps and controls, and passive, which do not. Generally speaking, passive solar hot water systems are less expensive than active systems but lack the same overall efficiency. Passive solar systems are also known to last a little bit longer, but lifespan often comes down to how well the system is maintained.

When considering types of solar hot water systems and costs, you’ve got a couple of options:

Roof-mounted solar hot water systems

The most popular system is the roof-mounted solar hot water heater. If you live somewhere sunny, and have free roof space, this is the most ideal type of hot water heater. Roof-mounted systems will cost between $3,800 and upwards of $5,400+.

Boosted split solar water heaters

Where properties cannot facilitate roof-mounted solar hot water systems, an electric or gas boosted split solar hot water system may be the second-best option. Solar panels will be mounted on the roof, while the storage tank will be located at ground level. These systems will cost anywhere between $3,900 and $6,000 +.

Heat pump solar hot water

If your roof is frequently covered by shade or has limited space, a heat pump is good alternative. Heat pumps operate at all times, even when the sun is not out, drawing heat from the surrounding air. This type of system can be cost-efficient, like solar, but needs to be installed in a warm climate to function effectively. Heat pump systems will cost approximately $3,800 to $4,500.

Solar hot water systems will also require a well-insulated collection tank. There are three types of solar collectors used across residential properties, including flat-plate collectors, integral collector storage systems, and evacuated tube solar collectors.

2. Size of System

When it comes to calculating the costs of a solar hot water system, size matters. The size of the house and hot water demands, as well as the size of the system, will influence costs.

Solar hot water system sizes range from 1.2L systems, to 4.1L systems. The size of solar hot water system needed will come down to how much hot water your family uses day to day.

think about your water needs, which will affect your costs when installing a hot water system

3. Installation Costs

So, how much does it cost to install a solar hot water system? The installation needs to be completed by a qualified plumber or technician – installation costs range from $2,500 to $6,000, depending on the location of the system, the size of the system, the number of solar panels, access to roof, and overall scope of the job.

Waterline Plumbing are Perth’s leading experts in solar hot water installation, servicing, and replacement. Local experts with years of experience in working with hot water systems, our qualified team of hot water plumbers can help you to choose the right solar system, get it installed, and provide ongoing maintenance. The best bit? We offer solar hot water system services at competitive prices, without compromising on quality of work or customer satisfaction. Give the Waterline team a call to learn more.

4. Running Costs

While solar hot water systems can be more expensive upfront, the running costs are much lower over time when compared to gas or electric hot water heaters. In fact, those who choose solar hot water systems can save up to 75% in running costs over the lifespan of the solar hot water heater.

Generally speaking, you can expect solar hot water running costs to be around $150 annually, depending on the type of system and relevant solar variables.

In comparison, electric hot water systems can cost up to $850 – $950 per year to run. For gas hot water heaters, you’re looking at annual running costs between $600 – $800.

factors impacting total cost of solar hot water system

Wrapping Up

Now that we’ve outlined all relevant solar hot water costs, it’s pretty clear that renewable energy is the way to go in 2022. While more expensive upfront, a solar hot water system can save you thousands of dollars over time. What’s more, the government offers a number of excellent rebates to get your money back when installing a solar hot water system.

With this guide, you should have a pretty accurate idea of how much you can expect to pay for solar hot water heating, taking into consideration your home, your location, your heating system, and installation costs.

Ready to get your new solar hot water heater? Waterline Plumbing are Perth’s leading providers of hot water installation. We work across all types of hot water heating systems, including solar. Have your solar hot water system installed, serviced, or replaced by the experts at Waterline Plumbing – you’ll get the highest quality service, at the most competitive price. Give our friendly team a call on 0450 334 373 today to get a free quote and learn more about getting hot water installed on your property.

How Long Do Hot Water Systems Last?

If you’re like most people, you probably take your hot water system for granted. After all, it’s not something that you interact with on a daily basis. However, when it stops working, it can quickly become a major inconvenience.

So why not take a little time to learn more about these essential devices? You may be surprised at how long your hot water system can last. Within this article, we’re going to outline how long hot water heaters last, the different types of hot water systems, and how to ensure you’re making the most of your hot water system’s lifespan.

What Are the Main Types of Hot Water Systems?

There are two main types of hot water systems: tank and tankless. Tankless systems heat water on demand, while tank systems store hot water in a holding tank. Tankless systems are more efficient, but they can be expensive to install. Tank systems are less expensive, but they can be less energy-efficient and may require more maintenance.

Which type of hot water system is right for you depends on your needs and budget. Talk to a plumbing professional to learn more about your options.

How Long Do Hot Water Systems Last?

How long do hot water systems last? This is a question we get asked a lot, and unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Depending on the type of hot water system that you go for, you can expect to get anywhere from 8-20 years of hassle-free usage from your system.

The lifespan of your hot water system will depend on a number of factors, including the type of system you have, how well it’s maintained, and the climate you live in.

To get the most out of your hot water system, it’s important to perform regular maintenance. This includes flushing the system to remove sediment build-up, checking the anode rod (if applicable), and making sure the system is properly insulated. Doing these things can help your system last longer and run more efficiently.

how long do hot water systems last on average depends on the time of system.

Hot Water System Lifespan By Type

Still looking for some more guidance on how long you can expect your hot water system to last? Here are some general guidelines you can follow to get an idea of how long your hot water system should last. Here’s a look at the average lifespan of different types of systems:

Heat Pump Hot Water Systems:
With proper care and maintenance, most heat pump hot water systems will last between 8 and 12 years. So if you’re thinking about making the switch to a heat pump hot water system, rest assured knowing that it should provide you with years of reliable service.

Solar Hot Water Systems: The average solar hot water system will last for about 20 years. However, there are some things that can shorten its lifespan, such as severe weather conditions or improper maintenance.

Electric Hot Water Systems: Depending on the brand, model, and maintenance that you undertake, you can expect an electric hot water system to last between 10 and 15 years on average.

Gas Hot Water Systems: The lifespan of a gas hot water system depends on a number of factors, including the make and model, how well it’s maintained, and the climate it’s used in. However, with proper care and maintenance, most gas hot water systems will last between 8 and 12 years.

Tankless Hot Water Heaters: Tankless hot water heaters can last for many years, provided they are properly maintained. In fact, some manufacturers offer extended warranties of up to 20 years on their products. Of course, like any piece of equipment, tankless hot water heaters will eventually need to be replaced. But with proper care and maintenance, you can expect your tankless heater to provide years of trouble

summation of the average hot water system lifespan

Factors That Impact the Lifespan of Your Hot Water System

There are several factors that will impact the lifespan of your hot water system. Here are a few of the most common:

1. Location, location, location:

Where you live can have a big impact on how long your hot water system lasts. If you live in an area with hard water, for example, your system will likely need to be replaced more often than if you live in an area with soft water.

2. Use and abuse:

How often you use your hot water system and how well you maintain it will also affect its lifespan. If you use it frequently and don’t keep up with regular maintenance, it won’t last as long as if you use it less often and take good care of it.

3. System quality:

The quality of your hot water system also plays a role in how long it lasts. If you buy a cheap system, it’s not going to last as long as a high-quality system.

4. Installation:

Finally, how well your hot water system is installed can also impact its lifespan. If it’s not installed properly, it won’t work as well and won’t last as long. Make sure you have a licensed Perth Northern Suburbs plumber to complete its installation.

Keep these factors in mind when you’re trying to determine how long your hot water system will last. With proper care and maintenance, you can extend its lifespan and enjoy years of trouble-free use.

interesting fact about water quality impacting how long hot water systems last

How to Extend the Life of Your Hot Water System

One of the most important things you can do to extend the life of your hot water system is to have it serviced regularly. Just like any other appliance in your home, these systems need to be maintained in order to function properly.

In addition to regular servicing, you also need to be aware of the signs that your system is starting to fail. These can include strange noises, leaks, or a decrease in water pressure. If you notice any of these issues, it’s important to call a professional as soon as possible.

While there is no guaranteed lifespan for hot water systems, following these tips can help you get the most out of yours. With proper care and maintenance, you can enjoy many years of reliable hot water.

Wrapping Up

So, how long do hot water systems last? Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer to this question since there are a variety of factors that can affect the lifespan of these devices. However, with proper maintenance and care, most hot water systems can last for many years.

For more information on hot water system installation, servicing, and replacement in Perth, get in touch with the experts at Waterline Plumbing on 0450 334 373 to get the job done right, and with no call out fee.

Gas vs Electric Hot Water Systems – Which is Best?

There are many things to consider when choosing a new hot water system for your home. Price, lifespan, running costs, and environmental impact are all important factors. So, which is better – gas or electric?

Gas systems tend to be more expensive up front, but they’re often more energy-efficient in the long run. Electric systems are less expensive to install, but they can be more expensive to operate. So, which is the best option for you?

When it comes to initial cost, electric hot water systems tend to be more expensive than gas systems. However, this difference in cost is often offset by rebates and incentives offered by utility companies. In terms of ongoing costs, both gas and electric systems have their pros and cons. Gas systems typically have higher energy efficiency than electric systems, meaning that they’ll end up costing you less in the long run.

Here’s a closer look at gas and electric hot water systems so you can make an informed decision.

What is A Gas Hot Water System?

A gas hot water system is a type of water heating system that uses natural gas as its fuel. Gas hot water systems are typically more energy-efficient than other types of water heating systems, making them a popular choice for many homeowners. In addition, gas hot water systems tend to have shorter recovery times than electric systems, meaning you can get hot water faster.

popular gas hot water system manufacturers

What is an Electric Hot Water System?

An electric water system, also known as an electric hot water system, is a type of water heating system that uses electricity to heat water. Electric water systems are typically more expensive to operate than other types of water heating systems, but they can be more efficient and easier to maintain.

How Long Does a Gas Hot Water System Last?

A gas hot water system can last anywhere from seven to fifteen years, depending on the make and model of the unit. However, it is not uncommon for homeowners to experience problems with their gas hot water systems long before they reach the end of their lifespan. If you have a gas hot water system that is more than 10 years old, it is important to have it inspected by a qualified technician on an annual basis to ensure that it is operating safely and efficiently.

How Long Does an Electric Hot Water System Last for?

Most electric hot water systems will last for around ten to fifteen years before they need to be replaced. However, this can vary depending on the make and model of the system, as well as how well it is maintained. Regular servicing and maintenance can help to extend the lifespan of an electric hot water system, so it is important to keep up with these responsibilities. If you notice any problems with your system, such as leaking or reduced performance, then it is best to call a qualified plumber for assistance. Waiting too long to get repairs can shorten the overall lifespan of the system.

What Is the Average Cost of a Gas Hot Water System in Australia?

There is no definitive answer when it comes to the average cost of gas hot water systems in Australia. This is because there are a number of factors that can affect the price, such as the size and type of system, the installation costs, and the supplier. However, as a general guide, you can expect to pay anywhere between $500 and $2000 for a gas hot water system in Australia.

If you are looking to install a gas hot water system in your home, it is important to get quotes from a few different suppliers before making a decision. This will help you ensure that you get the best possible deal on your new system.

What Is the Average Cost of an Electric Hot Water System in Australia?

The average cost of an electric hot water system in Australia is around $1,200. However, costs can vary depending on the size and type of system you choose. If you are looking to save money on your energy bills, then it is worth considering an electric hot water system. These systems are becoming increasingly popular as they offer a number of benefits, including lower running costs and emissions. Electric hot water systems also tend to be more compact than other types of system, making them ideal for smaller homes or apartments.

tips on maintaining the life of your hot water system

Which Is Better for the Environment?

When considering the environmental impact of your hot water system, you’ll want to think about both the direct and indirect emissions associated with each type of system. Gas systems typically have higher direct emissions than electric systems, due to the combustion process. However, electric systems can have higher indirect emissions, due to the need to generate electricity from coal-fired power plants.

Ultimately, the best way to determine which system is better for the environment is to consider all of these factors and make a decision based on your specific needs and preferences.

hot water and the environment

Factors to Consider When Choosing A Hot Water System

When it comes to choosing the right gas hot water system for your home, there are a few things you need to take into consideration. The first is the size of your household. If you have a large family, you will need a system that can provide enough hot water for everyone.

The next thing to think about is the climate in your area. If you live in an area with a colder climate, you will need a system that can heat the water more quickly. In addition, if you live in an area with hard water, you may need to invest in a system that comes with a filter.

Finally, you should also consider your budget when choosing a gas hot water system. There are systems available at all different price points, so it is important to find one that fits into your budget.

If you are looking for a gas hot water system for your home, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. By taking the time to consider your needs and budget, you can be sure to find the perfect system for your home.

Wrapping Up

There are two main types of hot water systems: gas and electric. Gas systems use natural gas to heat water, while electric systems use electricity. Both types of systems have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Gas hot water systems are generally more expensive to install than electric systems, but they tend to be more energy-efficient and have lower running costs. Electric systems, on the other hand, are often cheaper to install but can be more expensive to run.

There is no best system when it comes to an electric or gas system. It’s important to choose the right type of system for your home and needs. Gas systems may be a good choice for homes with high hot water demand, while electric systems may be better suited for homes with lower hot water needs. Ultimately, the decision comes down to personal preference and household demand.

When it comes to hot water systems in the Northern Suburbs of Perth, Waterline have you covered. Whether you want a gas hot water system installed, or an electric hot water system, contact Waterline on 0450 334 373 to get the job done right. Plus, with no call out fee, there will be no nasty surprises added to your costs. We’re the plumbers in Joondalup that you can trust.

Cost To Repair Leaking Shower Perth

Whilst the issue of a leaking shower may not seem serious, if left untreated over an extended period of time, a leak can lead to serious, and often expensive issues.

Your bathroom is the most used room in the house – signs of wear will make themselves known relatively easily. If you have noticed a leaking tap, floor-tiles, or any part of the shower that is leaking, and are concerned about potential shower leak repair costs, then continue reading for our full breakdown of how you much you can expect to pay for repairs in 2022.

Shower Leak Repair Costs in Perth

When considering the cost to repair a leaking shower, the total expenses will range depending on the severity and location of the leak. As such, it is crucial that you look to have a leak repaired as soon as you notice the signs and symptoms. Depending on the nature of the problem, the cost to fix a leak around the shower could be anywhere from $60 to $4,000! While that may seem like an enormous range, there are many components of a shower that can require repair or maintenance. An untreated a leak can cause further issues in the bathroom or throughout your home, including mould, water damage, or structural damage, leading to further, expensive repair costs. Trust us – as a Plumbing company Ellenbrook and Northern Perth residents have trusted for years, we know how expensive it can get when a leak is not treated correctly.

why it is essential to fix water leaks as soon as they are detected

Factors Influencing the Cost to Repair Leaking Shower Perth

1. Replacement of a Shower Head

A leaking shower can stem from the malfunction of your shower head. A faulty shower head is a common issue that can be solved by replacing the shower head itself. The cost to fix a shower head will range between $80 to $250 depending on the quality of your shower head. Replacing fixtures like a shower head are relatively easy to complete, won’t take a long time, and when completed correctly, will save you from further issues down the line.

2. Resealing the Shower with Grout or Silicone

Should the leak be caused by old or worn-down grout, you will need a professional to reseal the grout on your tiles to ensure they remain waterproof. Resealing grout is typically charged by the square meter, for a standard sized bathroom, expect to pay anywhere between $350 to $650. The usual repair method for a leaking shower, resealing the grout is effective in almost every case.

3. Retiling The Shower

By far the most expensive shower leak repair cost, if your shower requires a full retiling and new waterproofing put in, you could expect to pay up to $4,000, depending on the finish you are looking to complete. Retiling a shower is only necessary for serious leaks and is often required after a leak has been left to accumulate for an extended period.

4. Fixing Piping Connected to the Shower

In rare instances, you shower may be leaking due to a faulty pipe connected to the appliance itself. Old or poorly installed pipes will wear out and cause leaks in your plumbing and shower area. It is hard to accurately give an estimate to a repair cost for this issue as it can depend on the severity and where the leak is located behind the wall.

5. Re-Waterproofing the Membrane

For showers that have a door to entrance, the rubber membrane that keeps the water within the shower area can become worn down and leaky. Fixing this is a simple job and will take no time at all. Depending on the age of your shower system, it could be worth exploring upgrading the entrance to the shower.

How To Tell If You Have a Leaking Shower

There are a few easy signs that you can spot that will indicate that you might have a leaky shower:

  • Rust on door frames
  • Cracking or falling away of grout on walls and floor
  • Bubbling or blistered paint
  • Constant dripping sound
  • Stained water marks
  • Mould on the walls
  • Damage to wall and cabinets in the bathroom
  • Smell of dampness
  • Damp or stained floor nearby

If you detect a leak early on, the repair work will most likely be very simple and take only a short amount of time. The longer leaks go unnoticed or unreported, the more severe the damage can be.

What Is Grout?

Grout is a water-resistant filler applied between the tiles in a bathroom, or any area of a home. A mixture of water, cement and sand, grout secures the gaps between tiles and keeps masonry in place. Grout is an essential to not only the aesthetic appearance of your bathroom, but also its structural integrity. It will collect deposits of water over time and needs to be regularly cleaned to maintain its effectiveness.

How to Avoid a Leak

To avoid even needing to know the cost to repair leaking shower Perth, Waterline encourages you to take regular care of your shower. The better care you take of the grout and tiling in your home, the longer it will last before wearing down. Regular cleaning and scrubbing will ensure the grout and sealant works as it intends to for much longer than if left to accumulate dirt and grime.

Why Is My Shower Leaking?

  • Poorly installed waterproofing membrane
  • Incorrectly grouted tiles
  • Inadequately installed pipework resulting in water leaking behind the shower wall
  • Incorrect fitting of tiles
  • Improper installation of tapware or shower head
  • Use of cheap materials, or misapplication of products.
  • Poor water management control to the dwelling as a whole
common causes of leaking showers

Can I Repair My Own Leaking Shower?

For those looking to lower the cost to repair leaking shower in Perth, you might be considering taking the fix into your own hands. Whilst some issues like a leaking showerhead are easy fixes, there is no substitute for professionalism. A certified and experienced plumber will ensure the job is completed properly and with a warranty on the work.

Grouting is routinely attempted by DIY-plumbers, and too often we see poor workmanship leading to the leak becoming more severe. Attempting your own work can not only make the issue worse, it will also make it more expensive to fix. We always encourage residents to call a plumber for advice if they notice any issues with their shower.

Waterline Plumbing Cost to Repair Leaking Shower Perth

Waterline Plumbing is Perth’s best resource for maintenance and repair of anything to do with a shower. Our experienced team of licensed plumbers can precisely diagnose leaks and get onto any necessary shower repairs in an instant. For any questions regarding shower leak repair costs across the Northern Suburbs of Perth, get in touch with our team on 0450 334 373 or online to get a quote.